All relevant
logistics data and
partners in one place

The TradeLink collaboration platform enables holistic supply chain management. Centralize data, partners and processes effortlessly in one software.

4.5 star rating

from suppliers and forwarding agents

Industry leaders trust TradeLink
SportScheck LogoThe Fiege logoHofmeister LogoThe Dehner logoLillydoo LogoThe Neumarkter Lammsbräu logo.The logo of Pets Premium
Internet Stores LogoThe Finecom logoDenner logoOutfittery LogoVossko LogoThe Traveco logoThe logo of Phoenix
SportScheck LogoThe Fiege logoHofmeister LogoThe Dehner logo
The Finecom logoOutfittery LogoDenner logoThe Traveco logo
Lillydoo LogoInternet Stores LogoThe logo of PhoenixThe Neumarkter Lammsbräu logo.
Paper chaos is a thing of the past

All information on one platform

Discover your supply partners in the TradeLink network. Manage your team, partners and documents centrally on one platform. Warehouse employees and partners can easily add relevant status information. Directly available for everyone.
All-round safety

100% GDPR-compliant and legally compliant

When it comes to data protection, you can rely entirely on TradeLink's expertise: our solution, which has been tested several times, is GDPR-compliant and allows you to manage rights comprehensively.
The basis for good cooperation

Data-driven collaboration at eye level

Proactively manage the internal improvement of processes and conduct partner discussions at eye level. Relevant data, such as OTIF, is always available to all parties in the supply chain and forms the basis for fair negotiations.

The functions at a glance

Optimize delivery coordination
Free of charge & without obligation
Employees and suppliers love TradeLink
"Before we started working with our customer SportScheck on TradeLink, it was a huge manual effort to coordinate the more than 400 suppliers together. Since we've been working on TradeLink, it's been a huge relief, especially for our employees."
Daniel judge
Department Manager inbound - Fiege Logistik
Oliver Kurzweil SportScheck
"With TradeLink, we have finally created transparency in the delivery process for all parties involved. Internally, purchasing and sales benefit, externally our 3PL Fiege as well as our suppliers."
Oliver Kurzweil
Team Leader Logistics Management - SportScheck
Learn more
"Through TradeLink, we not only offer our customers professional digital access, but at the same time significantly increase our operational efficiency because emails are eliminated and every delivery has clean digital documentation. Across all locations, this saves us hours per day."
Franz Alt
Managing Partner - fineCom Logistics
"Shortly after the introduction at the first location, our suppliers already wanted us to quickly introduce TradeLink at all other locations as well. It's simply a win-win for everyone. TradeLink is therefore now going live as standard at all sites."
Patrick Spiegel
Project Manager Logistics - Denner
Patrick Spiegel from DennerLearn more
"We've shown TradeLink to our suppliers and they've responded very positively because the tool is wonderfully simple - especially compared to some other platforms on the market."
Hans-Walter Trepper
Head of Logistics & Materials Management - Anton Debatin GmbH
Trepper DebatinLearn more
Now with TradeLink:
TardeLink Logo
Immediately increase the productivity of your logistics
Transparency & reliability for the entire company
Transition to proactive logistics
60-day money-back guarantee