Supply chains in which all process steps mesh like well-oiled gears are the basis of every functioning and reliable logistics system. Digitization and forward-looking technologies are opening up completely new perspectives: Smart supply chains meet the demand for even greater flexibility and take integrated transport and warehouse processes to a higher level. In the following text, you can read how smart supply chains bring about a new quality of networking and transport between all participants and which technologies contribute to this.
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Smart supply chains make use of technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and advanced robotics. This makes it possible to process data automatically at high speed, improve processes and exploit potential for increasing logistics efficiency. The important thing here is that all parties involved, whether logistics service providers, transporters, warehouse operators, manufacturers or recipients of the products, are seamlessly integrated into the smart processes. This is not always easy, but it is possible.
In this way, the services in smart supply chains can be continuously monitored. This avoids errors, reduces friction losses and meets the high quality requirements that customers place on logistics processes today - including reliable availability of goods and fast delivery. The flow of materials and the use of resources in both inbound and outbound logistics can be sustainably optimized.
Market trends are accelerating the path to the smart supply chain. Omnichannel models in the B2B segment play just as much a role as the e-commerce boom in B2C. These developments are additionally accelerated by the persistently high cost pressure in the highly competitive logistics market. Smart supply chains thus represent a strategically decisive field of action for companies that want to maintain their competitiveness in the digitalized economy.
Smart Factory and Smart Logistics are closely linked. Industry 4.0 is inconceivable without integrated Logistics 4.0. In this context, Smart Logistics means using digital technologies to gather and evaluate information in order to make supply chains smarter. All participants and the programs and systems they use are linked together for this purpose. The digitization of the supply chain leads to maximum transparency and interactivity - far beyond the boundaries of one's own company or warehouse.
At the same time, the effort of constant communication between different contacts at customers and logistics service providers is reduced. As a logistics service provider and warehouse operator, Smart Logistics enables you to respond even better and more individually to the requirements of your clients. In addition to improved service, this opens up the opportunity for new, promising business models.
In smart logistics concepts, different technologies interact. It is crucial to tailor the concepts to the respective requirements and the initial situation of your company. The following is an overview of the key elements.
Smart supply chains - as described above - are not conceivable without linking all process participants. This requires appropriate IT systems. Automated process solutions for warehousing, distribution and order processing as well as digitized warehouse management systems are a particular focus for you as a logistics service provider. What advantages and expectations are associated with this? The digitization of logistics opens up added value for you on three levels:
Smart supply chains require an intelligent warehouse management system. This not only controls all processes, but ideally also offers comprehensive and transparent reporting and control functions. In this way, performance can be precisely measured from inbound through picking to shipping can be precisely measured. TradeLink creates the prerequisites for this with its intuitively usable platform - and thus creates added value for all players in the smart supply chain.
The digitization of industry and, by the same token, of the logistics world is advancing rapidly. New technologies accelerate and improve the communication of all players, use data for evaluation and permanent optimization, and thus have an influence on every single process step in smart supply chains.
Logistics service providers who recognize and exploit the associated advantages at an early stage can gain strategic competitive advantages. TradeLink provides you with a cross-process platform for this purpose. The platform enables smooth collaboration between all internal and external parties involved in real time. This allows resources and employees to be deployed more efficiently and costs to be saved. End-to-end digitization replaces cost-intensive and error-prone paper processes, such as constant phone calls and outdated fax machines - with sustainable benefits not only for warehousing, but for the entire smart supply chain.