A lot has happened since TradeLink was founded 1.5 years ago. We now count hundreds of companies that are active on our platform every month and successfully contribute to the transparency of their global supply chain. Our customers include many companies from manufacturing, trade and logistics who place their trust in us every day.
Now it was time to give something back. With the TradeLink Client Summit, we wanted to establish a format that unites all our partners and gives them a stage to share their experiences and learn from each other.
On 06.10.2021 the time had come: we were able to welcome participants from over 30 companies virtually. The event was hosted by BVL-digital moderator Boris Felgendreher together with our CEO Frederic Krahforst from a studio in Bremen, which we of course set up appropriately for an event in the logistics industry.
The afternoon was filled with exciting success stories from our partners kfzteile24, Schott AG, Sportscheck and Anton Debatin GmbH, who shared with us their current challenges in logistics and showed how they are successfully overcoming them together with TradeLink.
But there were also interesting impulse presentations by industry experts on topics such as integrated logistics networks or and a very pleasant panel discussion on the topic of logistics software(s) in companies.
"The dynamics in the round are really impressive!" - Boris Felgendreher
A special highlight of the day was to see how our joint cooperation with our partners is already bearing fruit. In total, 4 market-leading companies in their respective industries gave valuable insights into their current journey with TradeLink and how they are working with us to meet the challenges of the future.
"TradeLink makes our logistics processes - transparent and uncomplicated." - Dr Andreas Knierim, Schott AG
The focus here was on measurable success and how this can be sustained into the future. The individual presentations then led into a panel discussion between our partners, the moderators and industry expert Timo Glave on the topic of partner persuasion when introducing new software. It was particularly exciting for us to see how our current partners bring their suppliers to TradeLink
"TradeLink is a platform where you don't have to sit in training courses for months, so it met with the necessary response" - Matthias Gossenz - kfzteile24
Timo Glave and Dr Manuel Braun provided interesting insights into the macro trends in logistics with their keynote presentations on integrative logistics networks and circular business models. Overall, they painted an exciting picture for manufacturing and trading companies for the next 5 years.
"The most important thing is that you solve real customer problems with new tools, such as the integration of physical flows, better plannability or just transparency." - Timo Glave
"Circular business models can encourage companies to produce more sustainable products by changing user behaviour." - Dr Manuel Braun
The afternoon was then rounded off by our product team around CTO & Co-Founder Tobias Nendel, who gave interesting insights into modern and agile product development at TradeLink.
It was particularly exciting for our partners from the industry to see how TradeLink , as a (former) outsider in the industry, is rethinking logistics and its processes, while at the same time placing a great focus on exchange with our partners in order to guarantee maximum benefit for the end user.
It was also shown how it is technically possible to implement TradeLink directly as lean cloud software without the need for an expensive IT project lasting weeks.
The event concluded with a joint prioritisation of new features on the platform and planning of the medium-term road map.
Because we learned one thing from Timo Glave's presentation: only software that generates real value for the customer will establish itself successfully in the long term .
"It would be a shame if a second Summit did not take place" - Julian Bobke, JBS GmbH
"It was a great experience to see which customers use the tool and how differently TradeLink is used" - Timo Pfeiffer, HAHN + KOLB Werkzeuge GmbH