Our free webinars specifically for logistics professionals provide you with expertise and networking opportunities. Experienced logistics professionals share valuable insights and practical solution approaches. Reserve your spot for the next webinar today without obligation!

Collaboration as the key to success: pooling knowledge and resources and finding solutions together.

Communication and trust: How to effectively use partner dynamics to your advantage.

The levels of collaboration: differences in collaboration between individuals, departments and companies.

Collaboration forms in detail: formal or informal, face-to-face or virtual.

Tools and technologies: These tools can facilitate communication and collaboration.

Cooperation as a continuous process: Perfectly coordinated thanks to mutual commitment and regular adjustment.

Your speaker

Hans Gerl

  • Successful executive in logistics and supply chain management.
  • Expert in supply assurance, supplier qualification and partner management.
  • Experienced in strategic alignment and operational implementation, including trouble shooting.
  • Senior Expert & Advisor at TradeLink.
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Portrait photo of logistics expert Hans Gerl